News — small business

A lit Cloud Nine candle on a beige material against a marble background.

Candle Burning 101

Trim Your Wick Regardless of whether it’s a cotton wick or a wood wick, all wicks need to be trimmed to ¼ before each burn. This is for the safety and for the longevity of your candle. Having an untrimmed wick can lead to a higher and unstable flame, by trimming it before you light, you are giving your candle the best possibility of a slower and safer burn for you to enjoy.  BPE (Big Pool Energy)You may have experienced a candle or two in your life where it seems that the wax is burning through the centre and not...

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A Citronella Story

*Carrie Bradshaw voice* As we stood in the grocery aisle, we couldn’t help but think, how could a brand that is known for their outdoor bug protection have labeled, “Not intended for the repellent of mosquitoes” on a citronella candle? This led us on a journey to discover that there are many other (and better suited) natural fragrances that help to ward off mosquitoes. Good news! Your girls have been hard at work in creating a product that exceeds what is currently on the market, and intended to ACTUALLY repel mosquitoes. Instead of solely relying on the efficacy of citronella...

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Coconuts on a beige background

Why We Chose Coconut-Soy Wax

Natural based candles are gaining popularity as more people (like you) are joining forces to preserve our planet through eco-conscious shopping decisions. However, due to the mass demand for soy aka “the king of beans”, there has been environmental and cultural repercussions. These include: increased levels of deforestation and displacement of farmers and Indigenous peoples.   Let’s be clear, there are pros and cons to every wax and to sourcing any raw material in general. We wanted to find a wax that was most aligned with our values, that also had the least amount of environmental implications. Our coconut-soy wax is...

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Our First Time...

They say you never forget your first time, and boy were they right. We were unprepared. We both had no idea what we were doing. Too much of this, not enough of that. It’s too hot, it’s too cold. One of us was into things the other was not. Bottom line...starting a business from the ground up for the first time in a pandemic has been an experience we will never forget. When we decided to open The Olfactory Lab, we really had no idea what we were in for. After many bad candles, a few tears, and a lot of...

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